Installation and removal take less than 10 seconds
1. Pull the takedown pin.
2. Separate the upper and lower receiver.
3. Drop the RedCat in the lower (or remove the RedCat).
4. Reassemble the rifle.
Done. No parts to remove. Rifle is rendered safe and inert. You’re ready to train and to save ammo!

The three square notches on the top of the RedCat and the “RedCat” stamp sit toward the barrel of the rifle. The RedCat will sit in the trigger cavity around the hammer and protrude slightly outside the lower receiver.

STEP 1: Unload and clear your firearm and remove all ammo from the area.
STEP 2: Pull the takedown pin on the lower receiver to allow the upper and the lower to separate.
STEP 3: Separate the upper and the lower receiver by rotating them apart using the pivot pin as a hinge.
STEP 4: Orient the RedCat with the three (3) square holes on top and the RedCat stamp to the front (toward the barrel). Place the RedCat in the trigger cavity as shown. The RedCat will come to rest around the hammer and protrude slightly outside the lower receiver.
STEP 5: Close the upper receiver down onto the lower. The upper receiver will push the RedCat into final alignment inside the lower receiver. You may need slight additional pressure to fully close the upper as you reinstall the takedown pin.

STEP 1. With the safety engaged, pull the trigger. The safety should stop the trigger.
STEP 2. Dis-engage the safety and pull the trigger. The trigger should fully travel with no break.
STEP 3. Re-engage the safety. The safety should re-engage freely and stop the trigger.

STEP 1: Pull the takedown pin on the lower receiver to allow the upper and the lower to separate.
STEP 2: Separate the upper and the lower receiver by rotating them apart using the pivot pin as a hinge.
STEP 3: Remove the RedCat.
STEP 4: Close the upper receiver down onto the lower and re-engage the takedown pin.
STEP 5: Perform a function check to ensure rifle has returned to normal operating state.