- There are many great books, videos, websites and classes available for the AR platform. The Redcat is an ideal companion for all of it! Use the RedCat to enhance any training session!
- The RedCat adapts to any training environment. You can use whatever you have on-hand as barriers and targets
- Always follow the basic rules of firearm safety: assume every gun is loaded, always point in a safe direction, finger off the trigger, know your target and what’s behind it.
- Keep these basic rules in mind as you set up. Consider your surroundings carefully…look for tripping and poking hazards, think through what you could be pointing at behind walls, inside and outside your house, across the street, etc…
- Although the RedCat renders the rifle inert, make sure the area is cleared of all ammunition. Never, NEVER substitute dummy rounds with live rounds.

Welcome to the AR platform. The purchase of your rifle is not where the journey ends–it is where it begins! The AR is a powerful and proven platform that has been in service since the late 50’s. To safely and effectively use the AR platform, you must train. Start with these drills and master them with repetition. They will provide a strong foundation for you to be an excellent shooter.
PURPOSE: Run through and learn the basic function of the RedCat.
GOAL: Create the basic muscle memory of the live fire sequence of the AR platform.
SET-UP: Use 3 targets in a row 10ft – 20ft away.
PROCEDURE: With the RedCat installed, start facing the targets, with the rifle on “SAFE” and pointed down in a safe direction (the “low ready” position). Slowly bring the rifle to bear on the first target, As you raise the muzzle, switch the safety selector to “FIRE.” Engage the three targets. When finished, lower the rifle back to low ready. As you lower the rifle switch the safety selector back to “SAFE.” Repeat this basic exercise to create that basic muscle memory.
MASTERY: Performing this sequence correctly in under 2 seconds ten times in a row.
PURPOSE: Building on the first drill, BASIC 2 showcases the advantage of training with the RedCat by emphasizing the correct sequencing of the safety selector in a slightly more complex scenario.
GOAL: Create the foundation for more advanced drills tailored specifically to your goals.
SET-UP: Use two sets of 3 targets in two rows 15ft – 30ft away. Position each set of targets about 15 ft away from each other.
PROCEDURE: With the RedCat installed, start facing the targets, with the rifle on “SAFE” and at the low ready. As you bring the rifle to bear on the first set of targets switch the safety selector to “FIRE.” Engage the three targets. Switch the safety selector to “SAFE” as you transition to the second set of targets. Once transitioned, switch the safety selector to “FIRE.” Engage the second set of targets. When finished, switch the safety selector to “SAFE” as you bring the rifle back to low ready
MASTERY: Performing this sequence correctly in under 2 seconds ten times in a row.

Maintain the same repetition outlined above and tailor your training to your specific focus. Firearms skills are very perishable and demand repetition.
PURPOSE: ADVANCED 1 builds on the BASIC drills, adding complexity and movement.
GOAL: Create the foundation for more advanced drills tailored specifically to your goals.
SET-UP: Use three sets of 3-5 targets in three rows 15ft – 30ft away. Position each set of targets about 15 ft away from each other with the last set of targets around a corner or barrier.
PROCEDURE: With the RedCat installed, start facing the first set of targets, with the rifle on “SAFE” and at low ready. Raise the rifle, switch to “FIRE” and engage the first set of targets. Switch to “SAFE” and transition to the second set of targets. Switch to “FIRE” and engage the second set of targets. Switch to “SAFE” go to high ready and move to the third set of targets. As the third set of targets come into view, continue moving into position, raise the rifle, switch to “FIRE” and engage the last set of targets as they come into view. When finished, switch the safety selector to “SAFE” as you bring the rifle back to low ready
MASTERY: Performing this sequence correctly in under 8 seconds ten times in a row.
PURPOSE: Practice the entire loading, firing and unloading sequence.
GOAL: Create and maintain good habits for safe and reliable operation of your rifle including the loading and unloading sequence. Adapt easily to higher levels of training.
SET-UP: Use one set of 3 targets in 15ft – 30ft away. Load one magazine with two dummy rounds.
PROCEDURE: With the RedCat installed, start facing the targets, with the rifle cleared and on “SAFE” on a table with the magazine next to it. Pick up the rifle, insert the magazine into the magwell and chamber a dummy round. As you bring the rifle to bear on the targets switch to “FIRE.” Engage the three targets. Switch to “SAFE” as you bring the rifle back to low ready. Remove the magazine from the magwell. Rack the bolt to empty the chamber. Place the dummy round, magazine and rifle back on the table. Make sure you keep track of the dummy round as it leaves the chamber. Verify the chamber is empty.
MASTERY: This sequence should become second nature. Perform this sequence 100% correctly at least ten times in a row. Speed is less important than accuracy.
PURPOSE: Maintain proficiency and muscle memory long-term.
GOAL: Experts know that they must train regularly to stay sharp. This is a simple drill is designed to keep you sharp anywhere when more formal training is not available.
SET-UP: You only need your rifle and the RedCat.
PROCEDURE: Unload and clear. Install RedCat. With your upcoming event(s) in mind, pick objects around you to simulate targets you may encounter. Start on “SAFE” and at the low ready. Bring the rifle to bear on the first set of targets, switch to “FIRE,” engage. Switch to “SAFE,” transition, switch to fire, engage. Repeat until all targets addressed, back to “SAFE,” back to low ready. When complete, remove RedCat.
MASTERY: This drill is designed to maintain your mastery.

Emphasize scenarios that force you to positively identify threats before disengaging the safety and immediately re-engaging the safety when there is no threat present. Keep in mind there are many components to a good home defense plan. These drills only cover one specific component; the use of an AR platform.
PURPOSE: Quickly and safely bring your rifle to bear against a home invader.
GOAL: Be ready to safely defend your home as quickly as possible.
SET-UP: Use two targets, a timer and two dummy rounds in a magazine. Set up the targets nearby but far enough away [15ft-30ft] or around a barrier to prompt a long transition between them. Configure the rifle.** [Safety selector “SAFE” magazine “LOADED” chamber “EMPTY”]. Stage it on a table. Have a friend or family member assist with the timer if possible.
PROCEDURE: Stand 5 to 10 yards away facing the opposite direction. At the buzzer, turn around and grab the rifle. Confirm its configuration and adjust as necessary to make ready for use, ensuring the safety is on. Bring the rifle to bear on the first target, switch to “FIRE” and engage the target. Move the safety selector to safe and transition to the second target. Engage the second target. When finished, lower the muzzle and switch the safety lever back to “SAFE.“ Yell “CLEAR” and stop the timer. When there are no longer any threats, unload and clear your rifle.
MASTERY: You were safe and deliberate in all your actions? Depending on the training area, this drill should not take longer than 15-20 seconds. After the area is confirmed safe, was the rifle unloaded and the chamber cleared?
**Rifle configurations will vary. Tailor this drill to match your configuration.
A firearm is only a small part of a good home defense plan. Like a fire drill, an effective home defense plan involves all members of the household and includes many components like alarm systems, cameras, secure quick-access storage, escape routes, meeting points, safe rooms, safe words, emergency contacts, first aid, the law (local, state and federal) and more.
Educate yourself using the many resources out there on how to safely defend your home.
Using a firearm to defend your home is an awesome responsibility. Every member of the household should be involved and should understand their own roles and responsibilities. Whether you use the RedCat or not, please take this responsibility very seriously and do your absolute best. Carefully research, learn, plan and rehearse defending your home. This will minimize any chance of a tragic mistake.

Incorporate more complex scenarios similar to the stages found in your competition. Master the positioning of the safety selector as you increase speed. Set up mock stages that resemble what you would encounter in a 3 GUN competition, Steel Challenge or IDPA match.
All three drills use dummy rounds and require loading before the drill and unloading after the drill.
PURPOSE: Learn to balance speed and accuracy.
GOAL: Create and maintain good habits to adapt easily to higher levels of competition.
SET-UP: Use two sets of three targets, a timer and two dummy rounds in a magazine. Configure the rifle [Safety selector “SAFE” magazine “LOADED” chamber “ROUND CHAMBERED”]. Have a friend or family member assist with the timer if possible.
PROCEDURE: Stand at the low ready. At the buzzer, Bring the rifle to bear on the first set of targets, switch to “FIRE” and engage the targets. Switch to “SAFE” and transition to the second set of targets. Switch to “FIRE and engage the second set of targets. When finished, lower the muzzle and switch the safety lever back to “SAFE.“ Yell “CLEAR” and stop the timer. Unload and show clear.
MASTERY: This drill should not take longer than two seconds. All targets were addressed. You were safe and deliberate in all your actions. Chamber is empty.
PURPOSE: Learn to balance speed and accuracy in a more complex stage.
GOAL: Create good training habits to prevent penalties or disqualification and to improve your scores.
SET-UP: Establish which direction is downrange and which is up-range and note the 180-degree plane. In a competition, you should never point your rifle up-range (break the 180-degree plane). Use three sets of three targets. Position the first set of targets toward the front of the range. Position the second set of targets behind the first set to prompt movement around the first set. Position the last set of targets around a corner or barrier. Load two magazines with two dummy rounds each. Configure the rifle [Safety selector “SAFE” magazine “LOADED” chamber “ROUND CHAMBERED”]. Have the second magazine on your person to preform a reload. Have a friend or family member assist with the timer if possible.
PROCEDURE: Start facing the first set of targets, with the rifle on “SAFE” and at low ready. On the buzzer, raise the rifle, switch to “FIRE” and engage the first set of targets. Switch to “SAFE” and move to the second set of targets. Switch to “FIRE” and engage the second set of targets. Switch to “SAFE” and move to the third set of targets. Reload. As the third set of targets come into view, continue moving into position, raise the rifle, switch to “FIRE” and engage the last set of targets as they come into view. When finished, switch the safety selector to “SAFE” as you bring the rifle back to low ready and stop the timer. Unload and show clear.
MASTERY: Performing this sequence correctly in under 15 seconds ten times in a row. You were safe and deliberate in all your actions. Chamber is empty.
PURPOSE: Learn how to set up for multi gun events.
GOAL: Create good training habits to prevent penalties or disqualification and to improve your scores.
SET-UP: Use two sets of 3 targets in two rows 15ft – 30ft away. Position each set of targets about 15 ft away from each other. You will use your rifle and a pistol for this drill. Load one magazine with two dummy rounds for your pistol and one for your rifle. Load and chamber a round for both the rifle and the pistol. Switch both to “SAFE.”** Place the pistol on a table in front of you.
PROCEDURE: Start facing the first set of targets, with the rifle on “SAFE” and at low ready. On the buzzer, raise the rifle, switch to “FIRE” and engage the first set of targets. Switch to “SAFE” and place the rifle on the table. Grab the pistol and aim at the second set of targets. Switch to “FIRE” and engage the second set of targets. When finished, switch to “SAFE” as you bring the pistol back to low ready and stop the timer. Unload the pistol, show clear and place the pistol on the table. Unload the rifle, show clear and place the rifle on the table.
MASTERY: Performing this sequence correctly in under 10 seconds ten times in a row. You were safe and deliberate in all your actions. Chambers are empty.
**Some pistols used in competition do not have a safety selector. Omit this step if yours does not.
AR platforms are the “go-to” choice for shooters competing at the local and national level in events including 3 Gun, Steel Challenge and USPSA.
Most competition shooting (where the RedCat can be an advantage) is a balance between speed and accuracy. Each stage is timed and the object is to hit the combination of targets as fast as possible.
Always thoroughly review the rules for each competition. They are set up with safety in mind and failure to follow them will result in stiff penalties that may include immediate disqualification from the event. Reading and understanding the rules will also reveal techniques you can practice and use to your advantage in competition.

The RedCat is suited for individual and group settings of all types. The RedCat is also ideal for team rehearsals. With the extensive guidance and wide variation of exercises possible, it would be impractical to suggest specific exercises in this section. Instead here are two broad focuses the RedCat would be ideal to employ.
PURPOSE: To stay sharp. Train separately from the rest of your team.
GOAL: Maintain peak readiness in an individual level. During group training and rehearsals, the team can focus on more advanced techniques…and spend less time reviewing the basics.
SET-UP: Use space anywhere you can. Use surrounding objects around you to simulate targets. Ideal whether garrisoned or deployed.
PROCEDURE: What you practice can vary widely. You can focus on a specific drill like basic 2, a specific movement like switching the safety as you raise and lower the rifle or focus on your role in a broader mission set. This is a good time to focus on your weak points and perhaps turn a weakness into a strength. This is a good time to make sure you are fully prepared for a mission.
Upon completion of training, remove the RedCat, and restore your rifle to mission configuration or as directed.
PURPOSE: Enhance realism during formal training and rehearsals.
GOAL: Using the RedCat during group training and rehearsals, you and your team can concentrate on more advanced aspects of training.
SET-UP: Use all the same equipment and facilities…just add the RedCat during the dry-fire rehearsal portion of the training.
PROCEDURE: Use the RedCat to take away one non-realistic aspect of the AR platform: the safety switch locking on the trigger pull. This allows more focus on other areas of the training and eliminates racking the bolt to switch back to “SAFE” and/or tapping your finger above the trigger to prevent the trigger from releasing the hammer.
Upon completion of training, it is recommended that leaders/instructors specifically instruct the group to remove the RedCat (unless mission dictates otherwise).
Of course, missions vary widely, and the possibilities are endless. The RedCat is ideal for:
Practicing basic procedures and for rehearsing scenarios including recon, patrols, force protection, CQB, convoy escort, security, rescue, CSAR, assaults and more.
Practicing techniques including fundamentals, target ID, neutralizing targets, turning procedures, target transitions, trigger and sight management, shooting while moving, communication, fields of fire and more.
The RedCat is ideal for all skill levels from basic trainees and rookies to Special Operators and SWAT Team members.
It is highly recommended to establish processes to ensure the RedCat is installed and removed at the correct time.

The RedCat is suitable for firearms courses, basic training, advanced training and close quarters marksmanship.
PURPOSE: In a group setting, run through and learn the basic functions of the AR platform.
GOAL: Familiarize trainees with the platform and demonstrate the correct live fire sequence of the AR platform prior to live fire.
SET-UP: Set up for live fire. Have trainees use their same target(s) for the dry fire sequence with the RedCat.
PROCEDURE: Unload and clear the rifle. With the RedCat removed, demonstrate the issue with the safety switch. Have the trainees aim, switch to “FIRE,” engage the target and try to switch back to “SAFE.” Explain the issue. Now, with the RedCat installed, run through the same sequence. Explain to the trainees that this is how the rifle will operate with live rounds. Perform part or all of the live fire sequence with rifle unloaded and the RedCat installed. If able, use a magazine with two dummy rounds to demonstrate reload. Once complete, remove the RedCat and conduct the live fire training.
MASTERY: Students gain an understanding of the differences in how the controls operate during dry fire training and the importance of effective dry fire training.
PURPOSE: Indoctrinate new arrivals into the unit.
GOAL: Experts arriving to a new unit will face unfamiliar procedures and equipment that are used in conjunction with the AR platform. Use the RedCat to safely and realistically train new arrivals.
SET-UP: Set up as the unit sees fit.
PROCEDURE: Verify unloaded and clear. Install RedCat. Train on the new unit’s procedures and equipment. When complete, remove RedCat.
MASTERY: New arrivals gain familiarity with the new unit’s equipment and procedures used in conjunction with the AR platform.